Training Videos San Francisco

The essential element of good documentary film making is the story. Weaving together real life events, with the voices that give narrative and purpose takes a special skill set.

Geared with all the essential tools including top quality sound, camera & lighting equipment combined with decades of experience, and an unobtrusive style, the principals at Videology can help you create your compelling story with honesty and intrigue.

Training Videos San Francisco

Beyond the Prison
Industrial Complex, part 1


Training Videos San Francisco

The Last Kwaaymii

The Story of Tomas Lucas, last of his tribe

Luana & Neal’s very first documentary venture together tells the story of the last surviving native american of the Kwaaymii. The Last Kwaaymii aired locally and on German National Television.

Training Videos San Francisco

Redwood Summer & Beyond

As young documentary filmmakers, Plunkett and Morrison team up with the Nation’s first Public Access Satellite Network Deep Dish TV to curate the first episode of Green Screen. circa 1990

Green Screen
Grassroots Views of the Environmental Crisis
